
I’ve decided to write my own NES emulator in Go. I know that many, many NES emulators have been written over the years (at least one written in Go), but I’ve always wanted to try writing my own emulator after using them for many years. Plus it gives me a good reason to program in Go some more. I plan to do a post every so often as the emulator progresses. Hopefully I don’t lose interest half-way through! I’ll be putting the source code for the project up on this GitHub repository.


My first task is to write a simulator for the CPU used by the NES, the MOS 6502. The 6502 chip used in the NTSC NES runs at 1.789773Mhz, or 1,789,773 cycles per second. The NES’s 6502 does not support decimal mode, meaning a few instructions don’t need to be supported which is goood.

The MOS 6502 is an 8-bit processor with 16-bit addresses (little-endian, so it expects the least significant byte of each 16-bit address to be stored first in memory). It has no I/O lines, so any I/O registers must be mapped into the 16-bit address space. A full listing of the 6502’s instruction set can be found here and here.


All registers are 8-bit unless otherwise noted.

  • Accumulator (A) - The A register is used for all arithmetic and logic instructions.

  • Index Register 1 & 2 (X & Y) - Registers X and Y are used for indirect addressing and also as counters/indexes. X is used by certain instructions to save/restore the value of P using the stack.

  • Stack Pointer (SP) - Stores the least-significant byte of the top of the stack. The 6502’s stack is hardwired to occupy $0100 - $01ff with SP initalized to $ff at power-up. If the value of SP is $84 then the top of the stack is located at $0184. The top of the stack moves downward in memory as values are pushed and upward as values are popped.

  • Program Counter (PC) - The only 16-bit register on the 6502, PC points to the next instruction to execute.

  • Processor Status (P) - The bits in P indicate the results of the last arithmetic and logic instructions as well as indicate if a break/interrupt instruction has just been executed.

    • Bit 0 - Carry Flag (C)
    • Bit 1 - Zero Flag (Z)
    • Bit 2 - Interrupt Disable (I)
    • Bit 3 - Decimal Mode (D)
    • Bit 4 - Break Command (B)
    • Bit 5 - -UNUSED-
    • Bit 6 - Overflow Flag (O)
    • Bit 7 - Negative Flag (N)

More information on the 6502’s registers can be found here.

Memory Map

The 6502’s memory layout is very simple.

  • $0000 - $00ff - Used by zero page addressing instructions. Instructions using zero page addressing only require an 8-bit address parameter. The most-signficant 8-bits of the address are assumed to be $00. This is done to save memory since the address requires half the space.

  • $0100 - $01ff - Reserved for the system stack.

  • $0200 - $fff9 - Unspecified

  • fff$a - $fffb - Contains address of non-maskable interrupt (NMI) handler

  • $fffc - $fffd - Contains address of reset location

  • $fffe - $ffff - Contains address of BRK/IRQ handler


Implementing the CPU is simply a matter of creating a representation of the CPU’s internals and input/output lines and then writing functions which implement the 6502’s instruction set.


Memory can simply be a 65,536 (16-bit address bus, so 2^16 addresses) element uint8 array. Reads/writes to memory merely get and set elements in the array. For now I will use a very simple BasicMemory type to emulate the 6502’s RAM:

type Memory interface {
    fetch(address uint16) (value uint8)
    store(address uint16, value uint8) (oldValue uint8)

type BasicMemory [65536]uint8

In order to handle the memory mapping done by the NES, I will need to create an NESMemory type which implements the Memory interface but whose fetch and store functions understand the NES’s memory layout. Specifically, a number of memory ranges are either mirrored to other memory ranges, memory mapped to registers of the PPU (Picture Processing Unit) and APU (Audio Processing Unit), or mapped to the actual NES cartridge. See here for details.


The Cpu type stores the 6502’s registers and instruction table as well as a clock input and a link off to memory:

type Status uint8

const (
    C Status = 1 << iota // carry flag
    Z                    // zero flag
    I                    // interrupt disable
    D                    // decimal mode
    B                    // break command
    _                    // -UNUSED-
    V                    // overflow flag
    N                    // negative flag

type Registers struct {
    A  uint8  // accumulator
    X  uint8  // index register X
    Y  uint8  // index register Y
    P  Status // processor status
    SP uint8  // stack pointer
    PC uint16 // program counter

type Cpu struct {
    clock        Clock
    registers    Registers
    memory       Memory
    instructions InstructionTable

Fetch/Execute Cycle

The fetch/execute cycle of the emulator fetches the instruction at the address stored in the PC register, looks up the opcode in its instruction table and then executes it. Each instruction should be in charge of modifying the stack/registers/memory appropriately as well as incrementing the PC register appropriately for the number of parameters (or using the value of the parameters, in the case of branching instructions). Each instruction also needs to determine how many clock cycles it should use up, since some instructions take different number of clock cycles depending on their parameters.

func (cpu *Cpu) Execute() {
    // fetch
    opcode := OpCode(cpu.memory.fetch(cpu.registers.PC))
    inst, ok := cpu.instructions[opcode]

    if !ok {
        fmt.Printf("No such opcode 0x%x\n", opcode)

    // execute, exec() returns number of cycles
    cycles := inst.exec(cpu)

    // count cycles
    for _ = range cpu.clock.ticker.C {

        if cycles == 0 {


One tricky point in the implementation is going to be timing. For the 6502 to interact properly with other components of the NES such as the PPU and APU, it must execute instructions in a specific amount of time and stay in sync with the master clock. According to the 6502 specification, each instruction takes a deterministic number of clock cycles to execute. Since it can probably be taken for granted that a modern machine will be able to execute each instruction faster than a real 6502 chip, the emulator will need to throttle the CPU to ensure it does not execute too quickly. I plan to look into Go’s time package, specifically the Ticker data type, to implement the clock signal used by the 6502. This is definitely the part I’m worried about the most.

Up Next

I have the basic architecture written, but so far I’ve only implemented the LDA instruction. After implementing the rest of the instruction set I will need to write a number of unit tests to ensure everything is working properly. This should give me a chance to try out Go’s unit testing framework, specifically Go 1.2’s new test coverage features (here’s a great blog post about the feature).


I’ve been using the following sites to help in implementing the 6502 and learn about the internals of the NES.

Sat, Dec 28, 2013

Tags: go emulation
Categories: programming
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