I’m writing an NES emulator in Go and writing posts about it as I go along. If you haven’t read it yet, the first post can be found here.


I’ve made significant progress on the 6502 code. All of the instructions have been implemented and the emulator executes each instruction in the correct number of cycles, keeping in step with the external clock signal. You can look at the code at the GitHub repository here.


The Clock type hasn’t changed very much since the first post.

type Clock struct {
    rate     time.Duration
    ticks    uint64
    ticker   *time.Ticker
    stopChan chan int
    waiting  map[uint64][]chan int

The major change is that the clock now maintains a ticks field which counts the number of cycles elapsed since the clock was started. The clock’s start method kicks off the maintainTime function in a new goroutine. The new goroutine performs two functions:

  • Increment ticks whenever the ticker fires.

  • Wake up any other threads waiting for a specific tick to arrive.

func (clock *Clock) maintainTime() {
    for {
        select {
        case <-clock.stopChan:
            clock.ticker = nil
        case _ = <-clock.ticker.C:

            if Ca, ok := clock.waiting[clock.ticks]; ok {
                for _, C := range Ca {
                    C <- 1

                delete(clock.waiting, clock.ticks)

The waiting field maps ticker values to a slice of channels used to signal other threads waiting for that particular clock tick to arrive (a slice in Go is an array which grows and shrinks dynamically).

In CPU’s Execute method, after an opcode executes it returns the number of cycles to wait for. We first multiply this by the CPU clock divisor of twelve (the master clock runs at 21.477272Mhz but the CPU divides that by twelve to run at 1.789773Mhz) and then wait for this many cycles past the current tick using the clock’s await method:

func (cpu *Cpu) Execute() (cycles uint16, error error) {
    ticks := cpu.clock.ticks

    // fetch
    opcode := OpCode(cpu.memory.fetch(cpu.registers.PC))
    inst, ok := cpu.instructions[opcode]

    if !ok {
        return 0, BadOpCodeError(opcode)

    // execute
    cycles = inst.exec(cpu)

    // count cycles
    cpu.clock.await(ticks + uint64(cycles*cpu.divisor))

    return cycles, nil

The clock’s await method is very simple. If the tick we want hasn’t arrived yet, we append a new buffered channel to the entry in the waiting map for the tick we want and then try to read from the channel (that’s what <-C is doing) which will cause us to block. When maintainTime arrives at our tick, it will write an integer into the channel thus waking us up and allowing us to return to the Execute frame.

func (clock *Clock) await(tick uint64) uint64 {
    if clock.ticks < tick {
        C := make(chan int, 1)
        clock.waiting[tick] = append(clock.waiting[tick], C)

    return clock.ticks

Unit Testing in Go

I used Go’s unit testing framework to write tests for each instruction. Unit testing is provided in Go using the testing package and the go test command. There’s a short explanation about it here. You can take a peek at the tests here if you want.

To test each instruction in my 6502 emulator, I first created a new file instructions_test.go (the go test command runs all tests in files that end with _test.go). For each instruction, I wrote at least one test as a function with a signature like func TestLdaImmediate(t *testing.T). The go test command runs all functions with the signature func TestXXX(t *testing.T).

Since I needed to setup/teardown the CPU and clock for each test, I wrote a pair of functions to do this:

package m65go2

import (

const rate time.Duration = 46 * time.Nanosecond // 21.477272Mhz
const divisor = 12

var cpu *Cpu

func Setup() {
    clock := NewClock(rate)
    cpu = NewCpu(NewBasicMemory(), divisor, clock)
    go clock.start()

func Teardown() {

Each test function calls Setup/Teardown at the beginning/end of each test to ensure everything starts at a well-known state:

func TestLdaImmediate(t *testing.T) {

    cpu.registers.PC = 0x0100

    cpu.memory.store(0x0100, 0xa9)
    cpu.memory.store(0x0101, 0xff)


    if cpu.registers.A != 0xff {
        t.Error("Register A is not 0xff")


func TestLdaZeroPage(t *testing.T) {

    cpu.registers.PC = 0x0100

    cpu.memory.store(0x0100, 0xa5)
    cpu.memory.store(0x0101, 0x84)
    cpu.memory.store(0x0084, 0xff)


    if cpu.registers.A != 0xff {
        t.Error("Register A is not 0xff")


Failing a test is easy, just call t.Error, passing it a reason string.

The unit tests ensure a number of things about each instruction:

  • The instruction modifies the appropriate memory addresses or registers

  • The bits of status register P are set/cleared correctly

  • The instruction executes in the correct number of clock cycles

  • Many instructions have multiple opcodes, each using a different addressing mode. There is a test for each opcode to ensure it really uses that addressing mode correctly.

All in all there are about 270 tests total. Whenever I make a change to the codebase, I can be fairly confident that I haven’t broken anything major by running the unit tests:

macros:m65go2 nwidger$ go test
ok      github.com/nwidger/m65go2   0.815s

I found the code coverage tool very useful while writing my tests. This feature works by writing a coverage profile to disk when go test is run.

macros:m65go2 nwidger$ go test -coverprofile=coverage.out
coverage: 89.9% of statements
ok      github.com/nwidger/m65go2   0.830s

Later, go tool cover can use a coverage profile to display coverage information either as a simple textfile or an HTML page. The textfile format is a simple table with percentages for each function:

macros:m65go2 nwidger$ go tool cover -func=coverage.out
github.com/nwidger/m65go2/cpu.go:       absoluteIndexedAddress  100.0%
github.com/nwidger/m65go2/cpu.go:       indexedIndirectAddress  100.0%
github.com/nwidger/m65go2/cpu.go:       indirectIndexedAddress  100.0%
github.com/nwidger/m65go2/cpu.go:       Lda         66.7%
github.com/nwidger/m65go2/cpu.go:       Ldx         66.7%
github.com/nwidger/m65go2/cpu.go:       Ldy         66.7%

The HTML page shows the code coverage of your tests in an extremely visual manner.

go tool cover -html=coverage.out

You can see example output of go tool cover -html on this page. You can select the file to view from the pull-down at the top-left of the page.

Test Programs

I also tried running a 6502 functional test program inside my emulator but kept running into problems. The documentation says the PC register should be set to $1000 but after looking at the test image in a hex editor (thanks hexl-mode) that location contains an illegal opcode. Furthermore, after comparing the assembler file with the assembled binary image, it’s clear that some of the absolute addresses in JMP instructions are off but 4-10 bytes. Either way, I was unable to get the test program to run without encountering an illegal opcode and crashing. Fortunately, I did get it to run enough to at least assure me that the basic fetch/execute cycle works properly. I may go back and try to get a test program running, as it would give me even greater assurance that everything is implemented correctly.

Up Next

The next big implementation job is to start implementing the PPU (Picture Processing Unit) used in the NES, which is a 2C02 chip. The PPU has eight registers which are mapped into the CPU’s address space between $2000 and $2007. I have a feeling I still have a lot of reading to do before I’ll understand how the PPU works enough to start implementing it. I’m still on the fence about how to do the memory mapping, but I have some ideas.

Sat, Jan 4, 2014

Tags: go emulation
Categories: programming
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