I’m writing an NES emulator in Go and writing posts about it as I go along. If you haven’t read them yet, go check out the first and second post.

Package Layout

I’ve been trying to implement each major NES component as a reuseable module. Each module is stored in a separate GitHub repository. Here’s the layout I’m using right now:

  • m65go2 - GitHub - The MOS 6502 CPU. Defines the M6502 type.

  • rp2ago3 - GitHub - The RP2A03 CPU (a MOS 6502 chip plus an APU) used in the NES. Embeds an M6502 instance from the m65go2 package along with a new APU type to form a new RP2A03 type.

  • rp2cgo2 - GitHub - The RP2C02 PPU used in the NES.

Once everything is implemented, I will create a fourth package called something clever like nintengo which combines RP2A03 and RP2C02 instances to form a full NES.

Here’s a diagram for how it all fits together:

|       RP2A03        |
| +-------+ +-------+ |
| | M6502 | |  APU  | |
| +-------+ +-------+ |
21.477272Mhz   \
|                     |
|       RP2C02        |
|                     |

Clock Divisors

The rp2ago3 package must divide the 21.477272Mhz external clock signal by twelve internally to produce the 1.789773Mhz signal used by the M6502/APU chips. To do this, I created a Clocker interface which implements the methods of Clock, the basic clock type I created for the m65go2 package:

// Represents a clock signal for an IC.  Once a Clock is started, it
// maintains a 'ticks' counters which is incremented at a specific
// interval.
type Clocker interface {
    // Returns the current value of the Clocker's ticks counter.
    Ticks() uint64

    // Starts the clock
    Start() (ticks uint64)

    // Stops the clock

    // Blocks the calling thread until the given tick has arrived.
    // Returns immediately if the clock has already passed the
    // given tick.
    Await(tick uint64) (ticks uint64)

Obviously, the base Clock type implements this interface. Next, I created a Divider type which gets passed a Clocker instance and divisor on creation:

// Returns a pointer to a new DividerCLock which divides the tick rate
// of 'master' Clocker by 'divisor'.
func NewDivider(master Clocker, divisor uint64) *Divider {
    return &Divider{divisor: divisor, master: master}

Divider implements its own version of Start, Stop and Await which use the base clock but ensure the module using a Divider will only see a tick after every Nth tick from the base clock:

func (clock *Divider) Ticks() uint64 {
    return clock.master.Ticks() / clock.divisor

func (clock *Divider) Start() (ticks uint64) {
    return clock.master.Start() / clock.divisor

func (clock *Divider) Stop() {

func (clock *Divider) Await(tick uint64) (ticks uint64) {
    return clock.master.Await(tick*clock.divisor) / clock.divisor

When I create a new RP2A03 instance, I create a Divider instance to divide the base clock passed into NewRP2A03:

func NewRP2A03(mem *MappedMemory, clock m65go2.Clocker, divisor uint64) *RP2A03 {
    divider := m65go2.NewDivider(clock, divisor)
    cpu := m65go2.NewM6502(mem, divider)
    apu := NewAPU(divider)
    return &RP2A03{memory: mem, M6502: cpu, APU: apu, clock: divider}

Memory Maps

I struggled for a while trying to figure how best to implement the memory mapped I/O used on the NES. Since the MOS 6502 has no I/O lines into it, both the APU and PPU must map their internal registers into the 6502’s address space. The solution I wound up using is very simple, but seems to be working so far.

The m65go2 package defines the Memory interface:

// Represents the RAM memory available to the 6502 CPU.  Stores 8-bit
// values using a 16-bit address for a total of 65,536 possible 8-bit
// values.
type Memory interface {
    Reset()                                             // Sets all memory locations to zero
    Fetch(address uint16) (value uint8)                 // Returns the value stored at the given memory address
    Store(address uint16, value uint8) (oldValue uint8) // Stores the value at the given memory address

The rp2ago3 package defines the MappedMemory type which implements the Memory interface:

type MappedMemory struct {
    maps map[uint16]m65go2.Memory

The second field m65go2.Memory does not have a name since it is an “anonymous” or “embedded” field in Go parlance. When a field is declared without a name it is “embedded” meaning the new type automatically gains the functions implemented by the embedded type without the tedium of having to add a bunch of wrapper methods like this:

func (parent MyParentType) myFunction() {

Since Go provides interfaces but not classes with the ability to extend an existing class, embedding gets you halfway there by letting you create a new type that automatically implements all methods (and therefore all interfaces) provided by the embedded type.

Anyways, the maps field in the MappedMemory struct stores the addresses in memory which are mapped elsewhere. For each mapped address, we store a Memory instance. When Fetch or Store is called on the MappedMemory instance, we first check if the address is mapped to another Memory instance and pass it off, otherwise we call the appropriate method of the embedded Memory instance:

func (mem *MappedMemory) Fetch(address uint16) (value uint8) {
    if mmap, ok := mem.maps[address]; ok {
        return mmap.Fetch(address)

    return mem.Memory.Fetch(address)

func (mem *MappedMemory) Store(address uint16, value uint8) (oldValue uint8) {
    if mmap, ok := mem.maps[address]; ok {
        return mmap.Store(address, value)

    return mem.Memory.Store(address, value)

The end result is that when I create a new RP2A03 CPU instance, I can map the APU’s registers to the appropriate addresses in memory:

func NewRP2A03(mem *MappedMemory, clock m65go2.Clocker, divisor uint64) *RP2A03 {
    apu := NewAPU(divider)

    // APU memory maps
        0x4000, 0x4001, 0x4002, 0x4003, 0x4004,
        0x4005, 0x4006, 0x4007, 0x4008, 0x400a,
        0x400b, 0x400c, 0x400e, 0x400f, 0x4010,
        0x4011, 0x4012, 0x4013, 0x4015, 0x4017,
    }, apu)

    return &RP2A03{memory: mem, M6502: cpu, APU: apu, clock: divider}

Now, any Fetch or Store calls for those addresses will be redirected to the Fetch or Store methods implemented by APU. These methods know which addresses map to which registers, i.e. 0x4000-0x4003 maps to the pulse 1 channel registers.

Package Visibility

When I initially began work on the emulator, I had a single Go package. Now that there are three separate packages I need to put more thought into what fields/symbols of a package are exported. In Go, only exported fields/symbols are visible outside of a package. Go really only has one rule that determines what gets exported: capitalize it.

type notExportedType struct { } // not exported
type ExportedType struct { }    // exported

type OtherExportedType struct {
        ExportedInt     int     // exported
        notExportedBool bool    // not exported

func notExportedFunc() { }      // not exported
func ExportedFunction() { }     // exported

I spent some time going through the types I had created and modifying their fields/methods to be exported where I deemed appropriate. Some obvious ones were exporting M6502’s Register and Memory fields, since an external program trying to use the module would probably find it convenient to actually be able to read/write the CPU’s registers and access its memory.

Decimal Mode

I’m not sure why I felt the need to add decimal mode support to the m65go2 package, but I added it for completeness anyways. The MOS 6502 supported an alternative form of addition/subtraction for the ADC (addition with carry) and SBC (subtraction with carry) instructions in which arguments are expected to be in packed binary coded decimal (BCD) form instead of the normal one’s compliment representation.

Under normal binary arithmetic, you would expect to get results like this:

0x45 + 0x25 = 0x6a

whereas if you’re in decimal mode and using BCD values, you get results like this:

0x45 + 0x25 = 0x70

In decimal mode, the CPU interprets each argument as a byte representing a two digit number in base ten, where each digit is stored using 4-bits.

I referenced lib6502’s implementation of BCD arithmetic and relied on it pretty heavily to get things working. Of course, there are probably plenty of bugs remaining. But it doesn’t matter too much since the RP2A03 CPU used in the NES didn’t support decimal mode, apparently to avoid patent payments.


In one of the previous posts I lamented not being able to get a test ROM running in my emulator. I persevered and did eventually get the nestest test program from this page to run. I added it to the m65go2 repository along with the expected output and this text file. From the file:

This here is a pretty much all inclusive test suite for a NES CPU.
It was designed to test almost every combination of flags, instructions,
and registers. Some of these tests are very difficult, and so far,
Nesten and Nesticle failed it. Nintendulator passes, as does a real
NES (naturally). I haven't tested it with any more emualtors yet.

The only issue in using the test program was the question of how to validate it. The file comes with the expected debug output from Nintendulator, but it would be incredibly tedious to go through line by line and make sure my emulator places the same values in memory and modifies each register correctly for each instruction. How can I integrate this test program into the rest of my go test unit tests? The road I went down was replicating the debug output inside my emulator to match what Nintendulator produces. For each instruction, Nintendulator prints a line like this:

*- instruction address (PC register)
|     *- opcode + args
|     |
|     |         *- mneumonic + decoded args
|     |         |
|     |         |                               *- pre-execution registers
|     |         |                               |
C000  4C F5 C5  JMP $C5F5                       A:00 X:00 Y:00 P:24 SP:FD

After perhaps three days of work the emulator now produces the same output as Nintendulator, passes each test and implements all of the unofficial opcodes tested by the program. In go, an “example” test function can be associated with an expected output that go test will verify when running the test. I created an example test which runs the test program and put the Nintendulator log contents as the expected output.

func ExampleRom() {


    cpu.Registers.P = 0x24
    cpu.Registers.SP = 0xfd
    cpu.Registers.PC = 0xc000


    cpu.Memory.Store(0x4004, 0xff)
    cpu.Memory.Store(0x4005, 0xff)
    cpu.Memory.Store(0x4006, 0xff)
    cpu.Memory.Store(0x4007, 0xff)
    cpu.Memory.Store(0x4015, 0xff)

    cpu.decode.enabled = true



    // Output:
    // C000  4C F5 C5  JMP $C5F5                       A:00 X:00 Y:00 P:24 SP:FD
    // C5F5  A2 00     LDX #$00                        A:00 X:00 Y:00 P:24 SP:FD
    // C5F7  86 00     STX $00 = 00                    A:00 X:00 Y:00 P:26 SP:FD
    // C5F9  86 10     STX $10 = 00                    A:00 X:00 Y:00 P:26 SP:FD
    // C5FB  86 11     STX $11 = 00                    A:00 X:00 Y:00 P:26 SP:FD
    // C5FD  20 2D C7  JSR $C72D                       A:00 X:00 Y:00 P:26 SP:FD

All the work was definitely worth as it makes me much more confident that most things are implemented correctly.

Up Next

Now that the CPU has been fairly well tested, it’s time to move on. I still need to implement the RP2C02, the PPU used in the NES, so that will be my next step.

Mon, Jan 20, 2014

Tags: go emulation
Categories: programming
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